The Lotus Eaters – Barbara Wildenboer

I worked on this exhibition at the end of last year. The works speak of natural resources and, of course, water specifically. Wildenboer is a gifted artist with fresh interpretations on a subject we tend to forget. Her incorporation of The Odyssey by Homer is both smart and lends to the exhibit a sense of romanticism. Enjoy the shots!

The Lotus Eaters02

The boat filled with rocks makes a beautiful metaphor for the human race’s treatment of our resources and “Penelope’s Web” at the back is well-placed to fill in the air and also remind us that water is all around!

This work in particular was beautiful to see when there  was a slight breeze or when someone opens the door too quickly.

This work in particular was beautiful to see when there was a slight breeze or when someone opens the door too quickly.

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Beautiful lotus leaves made  from laser-cut maps.

Beautiful lotus leaves made from laser-cut maps.

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Each panel was shot at a different time of day, hence the beautiful palate.

Each panel was shot at a different time of day, hence the beautiful palate.

2000 boats folded from pages of The Odyssey. (Folding that amount, of course, affords you a wish)

2000 boats folded from pages of The Odyssey. (Folding that amount, of course, affords you a wish)